fr:About Us:Integrity & Compliance MA/FR

Integrity & Compliance

For CUPRA, the sustainable success of the Company depends on the commitment with complying with the law and the internal regulations of CUPRA and the Volkswagen Group, together with integrity and transparency in company culture and business relationships.

This is how we ensure the good reputation of our company, the trust of our customers and business partners and the well-being of our employees.


Business and values go hand in hand, that is why integrity is a fundamental pillar of our corporate strategy.

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We advocate for a respectful and honest behavior that helps to comply with the rules, principles and values set forth in its Code of Conduct.

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Whistleblower Channels

We have tools and processes to prevent and combat irregularities and conduct contrary to the principles, values, legislation and internal regulations.

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Autonomous and independent control body

In 2016, SEAT's Board of Directors reinforced the risk management and regulatory compliance model by creating an autonomous and independent control body called the Audit, Compliance and Good Governance Committee (CACBG). Delegated Commission of the Board of Directors of SEAT SA, in charge of the functions of compliance with the Law on Auditing of Accounts, the Law on Capital Companies, the national and international standards that regulate the ethics and compliance models, also taking into account the criteria described in Spanish criminal law (art. 31 bis Criminal Code), the Good Governance Code, the CACBG's own Regulations and the internal regulations on matters related to the Compliance and Integrity and Risk Management system.

CACBG is currently made up of the following members of the SEAT Board of Directors: Luis Comas Martínez de Tejada, currently appointed as president; Dr. Stefan Piëch, and Mr. Mark Philipp Porsche.


2019 – Expansión Awards

Best Compliance Officer of the year

Best ethical initiative

2018 - Golden Award from Iberian Lawyer

Compliance team in Spain

2016 - Golden Award from Iberian Lawyer

Compliance team of the year in Spain

2014 – Golden Award from Iberian Lawyer

Team of the year in Corporate Compliance